As you may recall from the last blog post, The Artist and the Hustler, Melissa, Bob and I decided to enter The Rite of Saturn in some film festivals.
Well, there are still a few pending, and we await word. But one festival, The Midway Multicultural Music and Film Festival in Midway Utah, has selected The Rite of Saturn as a finalist in the music category, and will be screening The Rite of Saturn next Thursday!
You can see the full details on the new Film Festival Page we’ve created.
We wanted to make it clear that this does not impact our plans to release the streaming and DVD versions of Aleister Crowley’s The Rite of Saturn in May of 2020. Additionally, we wanted to express our gratitude to everyone who was a part of this project and all of our past projects. This is truly a marvelous development, and a great opportunity to celebrate the completion of the these adaptations of The Rites of Eleusis.
Since this did come as something of a surprise (it was only three days ago that we were notified that Saturn was going to be screened, and the screening is next Thursday) we’ve also been working to pull together the resources to get ourselves to the event. Once again, our community has come through to offer support. In just two days we’ve raised over $1,000.00 of the $2,300.00 of the estimated cost. Every few hours we get a little closer.

If you are in Utah, or really, anywhere, and you would like to join us, please do! We are being screened during the day on Thursday, January 30th between 11:00 am and 1:00 pm at the Midway Mercantile Restaurant. Melissa and I will be taking audience questions for 30 minutes after the screening and we would love to see some friendly faces!
Thank you to everyone who has donated money to getting us there. If you would like to pitch in, we’d be most grateful for the support.
Please be assured that we will be writing about our adventures here, and keeping you up to date regarding other festivals. Thank you! Jon