Completion – The Four of Wands – Venus in Aries

Midway Multicultural Music and Arts Festival, DAY ONE.

The title of this post (and the last) is based on a Tarot Card drawn from The Book of Thoth the day I was writing the post. They have been apropos to date.

Melissa and I rose at 5:15 this morning and headed for SeaTac International Airport. We managed to get ourselves to the gate before 6:30, and were sipping coffee as we awaited our flight to Salt Lake City.

The flight was blissfully short, and we were very grateful that the nearby baby didn’t scream for the entire flight. Only about half.

Last minute tickets… We were able to high-five from our seats

We collected our luggage and met my niece and her family for lunch. It was fun catching up, and they were kind enough to loan us a Lexus SUV to get around for the weekend! Such style!

Unexpected, and awesome. Seriously, heated leather seats.

Melissa and I arrived at the resort and checked in. Then, the first thing we wanted to do was check out the venue where The Rite of Saturn will be screened tomorrow. We visited Midway Mercantile, about 2 miles from our hotel. We were shown around to the private room where the screening will take place, just off of the bar. It was cozy, seating 30 to 40 people. We’re looking forward to the event tomorrow, and will share more afterward.

More coffee after our visit to Midway Mercantile

We returned to the hotel, and visited the pool. There is hot tub with a waterfall. Seriously. Check Melissa’s instagram for a video. 🙂

There was no honey-dew vendor. I smell an opportunity.

Across the street, we visited a local attraction called “Ice Castle”. We went down ice-slides, drank cocoa, looked at pretty lights, got snow in our shoes, and heard the shouting of many little girls who were all very pleased to share that their name is Elsa, and there mothers yelling back: stop eating the snow!

Another photo-bomb. Obviously my super power.

Now, time to rest and prep for tomorrow. It is a little more intimate than we expected, and we’re using this opportunity to practice our delivery. We have a couple more festivals in the future that we’re waiting to hear from.

Incidentally, there is another Film Festival (Sundance) going on about 15 miles from here. We plan to visit the area on Friday and celebrity watch!

Thank you all for making this possible! Jon