Northwest Arts Streaming Hub

We’ve all been very busy with the video for The Rite of Saturn set to release next Friday, May 1st. (See for streaming, or pre-order the DVD on Amazon.)

Nevertheless, we’ve been acutely aware of the impact that the world wide quarantine has had on local artists and venues. So, we were very excited on April 8th we saw this in The Stranger:

Pacific Northwest Arts Group to Launch a “Netflix” for Local Performances

Local artists are pivoting to digital, and NASH wants to help.

A new platform called Northwest Arts Streaming Hub (NASH) hopes to throw a life preserver to drowning Pacific Northwest artists and organizations by creating a central digital space where they can rebroadcast old work or stream live performances of new stuff for audiences.

Like a Netflix for local art, NASH plans to aggregate content from a bunch of PNW venues and performers…

Full Story Here.

We immediately reached out to the organizers of the Northwest Arts Streaming Hub to offer our support and get involved.

And we are happy to report that Northwest Arts Streaming Hub officially launched today!

NASH is a virtual guide to live and on-demand creative work taking place in the Pacific Northwest. “We help artists find audiences, and audiences find meaning.

We at Eleusyve Productions are pleased to be a part of this project, and you can find our content featured on the site.

Please support local artist if you can. Anything you do now will help to ensures a future for the arts community in Seattle.